11 March 2025 SPFX, SharePoint Robert Muehsig

This is more of a “Today-I-Learned” post and not a “full-blown How-To article.” If something is completely wrong, please let me know - thanks!

Last week I had to upgrade an old SharePoint Framework (SPFX) project, and surprisingly, the process was smoother than expected.

For those unfamiliar, SPFX is a framework for building extensions for SharePoint Online. Here is an example of an SPFX extension: Microsoft Docs.

The upgrade approach I took was a combination of:

  • Creating a completely new SPFX project to see the latest project structure.
  • Using the M365 CLI to generate a step-by-step upgrade guide.

Overall, it turned out to be a pretty smooth experience and the CLI was quite new for me, and I wanted to document it here.

Hope this helps!

Written by Robert Muehsig

Software Developer - from Saxony, Germany - working on primedocs.io. Microsoft MVP & Web Geek.
Other Projects: KnowYourStack.com | ExpensiveMeeting | EinKofferVollerReisen.de