31 July 2018 SQL, MSSQL, SSMS Robert Muehsig

How to copy a database on the same SQL server

The scenario is pretty simple: We just want a copy of our database, with all the data and the complete scheme and permissions.

1. step: Make a back up of your source database

Click on the desired database and choose “Backup” under tasks.


2. step: Use copy only or use a full backup

In the dialog you may choose “copy-only” backup. With this option the regular backup job will not be confused.


3. step: Use “Restore” to create a new database

This is the most important point here: To avoid fighting against database-file namings use the “restore” option. Don’t create a database manually - this is part of the restore operation.


4. step: Choose the copy-only backup and choose a new name

In this dialog you can name the “copy” database and choose the copy-only backup from the source database.


Now click ok and you are done!

Behind the scenes

This restore operation works way better to copy a database then to overwrite an existing database, because the restore operation will adjust the filenames.


Further information

I’m not a DBA, but when I follow these steps I normally have nothing to worry about if I want a 1:1 copy of a database. This can also be scripted, but then you may need to worry about filenames.

This stackoverflow question is full of great answers!

Hope this helps!

Written by Robert Muehsig

Software Developer - from Saxony, Germany - working on primedocs.io. Microsoft MVP & Web Geek.
Other Projects: KnowYourStack.com | ExpensiveMeeting | EinKofferVollerReisen.de