31 January 2016 UWP, FontAwesome, Fonts, FontIcon Robert Muehsig

FontIcons in UWP

Microsoft ships one builtin UWP (Universal Windows Platform) SymbolIcon class.

The good thing about such FontIcons is, that you can scale and change the appearances very nice and don’t need a bunch of image assets for your icons.

The down side is, that those icons are just a font… so no multicolor option.

The builtin SymbolIcon usage is pretty easy:

<SymbolIcon Symbol="Accept" />

Using FontIcon to serve other font e.g. FontAwesome

Microsoft ships another simple class, the FontIcon class.

Including the font

You will need the actual Font-File, e.g. a .otf file. This file must be included in your project as Content.

After that the usage is pretty simple if you know the correct syntax:

<FontIcon FontFamily="./fontawesome.otf#FontAwesome" Glyph="&#xf0b2;"></FontIcon>

The Glyph-Property is the HexCode for the target char.

Pretty important, but I’m not a Font-Expert, so maybe this is “normal”

  • The #FontAwesome must be set.
  • In XAML the Glyph must be in this form


  • From Code, the value must be unicode, e.g.

    Test.Glyph = “\uf0b2”;

Instead of the “./…” path syntax you could also use something like this:

<FontIcon FontFamily="ms-appx:///fontawesome.otf#FontAwesome" Glyph="&#xf0b2;"></FontIcon>


The result is hopefully that you see the correct icon… right?

BTW, we try to bring FontAwesome to UWP with a simple NuGet package.

And thanks to Alexander Witkowski for the suggestion of the FontIcon class - I didn’t know that this is part of the SDK.


I made a pretty small UWP Demo, which can be viewed on our Samples-Repo.

Written by Robert Muehsig

Software Developer - from Saxony, Germany - working on primedocs.io. Microsoft MVP & Web Geek.
Other Projects: KnowYourStack.com | ExpensiveMeeting | EinKofferVollerReisen.de