With the “new” Universal Apps and the outlook of a single platform with Windows 10 I’m still not happy with the combination of XAML and C#. The problem is not C# - just let me say that I’m not a huge fan of XAML. So lets see how WinJS might work. Microsoft published a free eBook recently about WinJS and I found some other interesting videos.
Free ebook: Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Second Edition
The eBook is available on the Microsoft Virtual Academy as a simple PDF
- no signup required.
Channel 9 Serie
There are 2 episodes about WinJS development on Channel 9
Build 2014: WinJS and Windows Phone
This session “What’s new in WinJS: The Road ahead” was in the Build 2014 lineup and shows how you can use WinJS in Windows Phone Apps (as Univeral App I guess) and the current roadmap.
Using WinJS with Angular.js?
You can’t talk about Javascript Apps without mentioning Angular.js. The Javascript Engine running your JS App on Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 has some limitations based on security reasons. As far as I know you can’t use the pure Angular.js in Windows Store Apps, but there is a project on GitHub to smooth the experience.
Also Iris Classon blogged about a demo app with WinRT components, Angular.js and WinJS on Windows Phone 8.1.
Important Links
If you are still interested in WinJS you might want to check out these sites: