01 September 2014 Migration, Jekyll, WordPress, Blog, GitHub Pages Robert Muehsig

First blog post on our new Blog Engine - Jekyll on GitHub Pages! Oliver and I made the decision to move from WordPress to Jekyll last month.

Current Status:

We moved the Posts and Files from the blog.codeinside.eu Installation to a new GitHub Repository. The styling is not perfect and we have still some issues to resolve, but overall we are quite happy with the result.

Why moving from WordPress to Jekyll?

WordPress is an impressive system, but it is for our needs (nowadays) a bit oversized. With Jekyll & GitHub Pages it is very easy to maintain and change the layout and - the best part - everything is under source control.

German to English… why?

We started this Blog in German and keept it that way till now. Some blogposts were translated and published on blogin.codeinside.eu (which will also be moved to Jekyll), but I think our primary goal should be to maintain just one Blog and choose the language that everyone speaks in our industry. And of course: It’s a little personal challenge for us. If you found an issue - send me a pull request ;)

Next steps

I will publish more information about the migration soon and we try to close those Blog-related issues. If you found any other broken stuff, please let us know.

Written by Robert Muehsig

Software Developer - from Saxony, Germany - working on primedocs.io. Microsoft MVP & Web Geek.
Other Projects: KnowYourStack.com | ExpensiveMeeting | EinKofferVollerReisen.de