My project “” (the working title was BizzBingo – a detailed blogpost will follow soon) lays on GitHub and I’ve recognized a Problem where Daniel Lang helped me a lot. At the end he created a Fork for my Project and laid a Pull Request:
The question is: How do I transfer the changes to me?
Because I’m a totally beginner in Git/GitHub I’m going to write it down step by step. The help page on GitHub was a good introduction but at last I need to merge several files during this action which makes this a lot more complicated.
git checkout master ... git pull master ... (VIELE DATEIEN werden gezogen)...
“Automatic merge failed: fix conflicts and then commit the result.”
$ git mergetool
Beware: Before you start make sure you already created a Mergetool. It’s not that difficult and you will find a detailed instruction here. In fact all you have to do is to choose a Merge Program (I’ve chosen KDiff3 but it’s ugly). And after that you need to tell Git which tool is the right one for the mergen process. At the end that’s what the .gitconfig looks like:
[diff][/diff] tool = kdiff3 [merge] tool = kdiff3 [mergetool "kdiff3"] path = C:/Program Files (x86)/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe keepBackup = false trustExitCode = false [difftool "kdiff3"] path = C:/Program Files (x86)/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe keepBackup = false trustExitCode = false
After that the files will merge to GitHub with “commit” and “push”. That’s it.
I think that will work – Thanks again Daniel