Many programmers know that there is very handy tool inside of Visual Studio to manage ToDos, "Hacks" and so on. I discovered this cool, secret (Visual Studio has a lot of such unknown gimmicks) feature some weeks ago:
You can manage your tasks in several applications: Outlook, "Work Items" in combination with TFS or other non-Microsoft product.
In small or private projects I haven´t a TFS and don´t want to use Outlook - one important point is the connection between the ToDo/Hack/what ever and the code line/code file.
Just activate "View -> Task List" in Visual Studio and you get a small taskmanager.
You can view your current ToDos (+ code line where the ToDo is located) :
If you klick on one item you go directly to this code file:
Just add "ToDo: ..." to create a new task.
Custom Tokens
You can easly add your own "Tokens" in the option dialog of Visual Studio:
If you work in big projects or with a team you should only use the "Taskmanager" in Visual Studio for very small "ToDos" or "Hacks" - bigger ToDos should be placed inside other systems like TFS as "Work Items".