15 September 2013 Katana, One ASP.NET, OWIN Robert Muehsig

This was the topic of the .NET User Group Zurich meeting last Wednesday and I want to share my presentation with the demo code and some links that I found during my research.

Presentation on SpeakerDeck

Link to Speaker Deck.

Demo Code

The complete demo code is available on our GitHub Repo.

Background information

A good overview about Katana/OWIN is available as a Video on Channel 9 or written on the ASP.NET Site. Based on the video someone has shared the content and code in form as a Blogpost.

More presentations about One ASP.NET & OWIN

Another presentation about “One ASP.NET” and I found this and this presentations about OWIN.

Blogs & co.

Damien Hickey has some really good blogposts and Code-Samples on GitHub. You should take a look on Testing Nancy with Owin.Testing and Introducing Owin.EmbeddedResources. But you should already understand the “basics”. Another interesting project is called Owin.Dependencies by Tugberk Ugurlu.

Very interesting and more critical is this post: “OWIN and Katana challenges: blues of a library developer”

Authentication, OWIN & co.

There are a couple of good blogposts out there:

Basic Authentication with ASP.NET Web API Using OWIN Middleware

Securing WebAPI

Understanding OWIN Forms authentication in MVC 5

And I found two blogposts in German about Passive Auth & Custom Auth.


Nowin: Nowin is an OWIN Web Server which doesn´t use the HttpListener

OWIN Routing

Adding OWIN to an empty ASP.Net MVC app

Self-Hosting SignalR in a Windows Service

Written by Robert Muehsig

Software Developer - from Saxony, Germany - working on primedocs.io. Microsoft MVP & Web Geek.
Other Projects: KnowYourStack.com | ExpensiveMeeting | EinKofferVollerReisen.de